10 Ways to Improve Storytelling Writing Skills

Long gone are the days when people used to write. Now, it’s all about the brilliant oratory we can state out of our mouths. No kidding! Everybody is trying to ad-lib their daily conversations with the mesmeric exotic spice – of storytelling. Sad to know that you’re still a writer trying to write everything formally. You’re following strict writing protocols that are rigid and bound to stubborn rulebooks.


Remember, nowadays, the best way to become a writer these days is to absorb the author’s soul in yourself. Writing has come far like technology, evolving through thick and thin – and your lettering skills with new-fangled terminologies. Yes, you heard it right. Writing is a process of releasing your thoughts on paper with a liberal mind; it’s the true writing definition. Besides, storytelling yields more results and readers nowadays than those mere straightforward wordsmith dialects.


Of course, we don’t mean to throw your writing skillset out of the window but clasp the backpack full of fable wonders. Imagine storytelling like book formatting services where professional book writers exemplify your crude manuscript’s final embodiment. All we’re telling you is to rally your writing styles appropriately. Learn new ways to write phenomenally and keep up with the ongoing writing trends.


Moreover, elevate your words eloquently with storytelling and attract more readers. This is the best advice we can give you to help you craft more engaging content. Below are some excellent storytelling writing techniques to help you keep readers engaged for hours:


Find Inspiration in your Surroundings

People can inspire you with their polite talking style and compelling writings, but your brain is the powerhouse. Therefore, imagining new things yourself is the best way to motivate yourself. Please make your conversations going with folks around you in the meantime. But do not neglect your surroundings. Here’s where spontaneous spurs loom in adequate numbers. Also, listen to motivational videos on YouTube. No matter how much you squeeze your brains and extend your chitchats, YouTube is the ‘play button’ red box full of larger-than-life inspirations.



Think Ideas, not thoughts

Please keep your brain active with opinions and biased judgments. After all, you’re a writer, for God’s sake. Do not push your thinking capacities to the limit for jargon stuff. Keep the roads clear for pioneering concepts to be born and burgeon in your brain. Keep a journal by your side every time and note down every bizarre notion that comes to your mind. Eventually, you’ll be able to gather enough thought-provoking ideas to generate a gripping storyline for the readers.




Brainstorming is the seed that sprouts

You can begin writing with a single seed, but the fruit it bears in the future should have those creative cloudburst flavors. We all know that seed under the soil begins to warp in different shape, size, and structure. It’s astonishing to see a fragile kernel buried under the earth give birth to a far-flung tree from the grounds. Similarly, brainstorming ideas help you develop excellent ideas for your writing endeavors. Never ignore the power of sessions for conceiving notions and groundbreaking concepts for your story.



 Create real-life Characters

Adding breathing subjects into your writing can help you improvise the text and its examples. For instance, you can write about a specific situation to clarify a complex philosophy to the readers. It is pointless to try explaining to them if it lacks actual beings, humans, or animals for some scenarios.


Therefore, add characters that people are familiar with in your writings. You can check people around you and choose them with distinctive personalities. Please do not forget to take their consent before adding them to your storyline. Of course, you can create your imaginary characters. But ensure they include traits of actual people to help you eliminate any artificiality that might occur over time. Good luck!



 Create new words without hesitation

Changing courses from conformist writing to conceptualizing mind-bending stories from thin air is like an adventure. So, feel free to invent new words and terminologies for your documented chronicle.


Do not hesitate to jump off the cliff or cruise your boat speedily into the gushing waterfall chasm. You will not inure your head or body in this daring process. Instead, you’ll generate new exciting ideas in return. Express yourself with an emotional heart; drifting away from reality to tell your life’s story is touchingly pleasing.



 Write Artlessly

Never give up on your natural writing civility. Inject the storytelling antidote to your traditional writing style and see the magic happen. Keep your writer’s impetus high and progressive with your intuitive writing abilities. Besides, having a candid writer’s approach can help you excel with your writing speed. Know that putting words and wisdom (storytelling) with a carefree mind and guileless attitude only brings the best out of you.



Envisage yourself as the protagonist in real life

It doesn’t mean that you fill your writings with the ink of arrogance. Instead, keep yourself humble and loving. Also, strive for the best for yourself and others. The good guys, after all, are against all odds, opponents, and injustice. They’re always ready for counterattacks against cruel people and evil organizations. Eventually, you will see and sense the difference in yourself. It will also help you improve your storytelling knack pretty early on. 



Invent breakthrough concepts in your mind

Besides brainstorming and storytelling writing practice, use your innate inventiveness to your advantage. Like generating solutions to problems, you can also craft award-winning story concepts in your brains. Be sure to shackle each notion in a chain for attaining bewildering outcomes – mind-bending storylines. Finally, break the writer’s block manacles once and for all.



 Watch Movies for Inspiration

Watching films can undoubtedly elevate your thinking capacities. We recommend you only scan flicks enthusiastically that match your taste or are relevant to your storyline. Besides, every book author and filmmaker watches silver screen masterpieces. These motion pictures help them regularly conceive award-winning story plots. Movies, undeniably, are a muster of whimsical inspirations you must collect in the bucket.



 Prompts act as a creative catalyst

Writing prompts and image prompts work like magic. These stir your imaginations and take you to a world where you can generate new-fangled story concepts. Remember, creativity doesn’t come to your brain automatically, nor is there a button to activate it. You must obtain insights from things that fascinate and evoke poignant emotions.


 Storytelling in a nutshell

Storytelling is something that helps you deliver your writing from start to finish. It is like listening to a child’s ABC song. You listen to it till the end with full concentration. We hope the above captions enlighten you with sufficient storytelling nitty-gritty. Besides, the internet is available round the clock at your fingertips. Don’t forget to read more tips and tricks for boosting your storytelling techniques in writing. 

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