Top 7 effective image SEO tips to optimize images for search engines

What things add colors to life? Of course, it’s the green grass, the limitless skies, and our loved ones we hold close to our hearts. Correspondingly, how do you presume that your high-quality content is the only factor that plays the SEO ace card? It’s not the truth, trust me!

There’s the other side of the picture you’re not able to see. It’s just a wild guess that only writings optimize your website for Google rankings (SERPS). The true story lies on the back of the card. It shows the accurate picture you’re unable to see unless you use it for your website. You can also hire an SEO writing services agency that provides optimization for images as well. In simple words, you need to put pictures that complement your brand with a strong visual voice.

Furthermore, images play a significant role in better relationships between the seller and buyer. It lessens the gap between the vendor and their customers. So, you can convey your message to them by using eye-catchy illustrations. It not introduces your brand but also encourages users to share your brand’s story on social media.

There are many ways to optimize your images to make them SEO-friendly. However, there are those top 7 ways to curate pictures for search engine optimization that work wonders.

Post Images

Choose lively Pictures that speak

Before we dive into conventional and technical stuff, you should know that pictures that scream more are best for you. Therefore, choose images that stir your imaginations with ideas, dreams, and smiles.

Choosing dynamic photos is one of the first stepping stones towards gaining online visual authority for your brand online. For example, there’s a football club named Blue Bird. Hence, a picture with an actual bluebird sitting on the green field will develop more interest instead of a dull football stadium image. Therefore, choose artworks that add animations and spark curiosity in the minds of onlookers.

Choose the right image formats

Pick the correct image format for your website to ensure faster loading times for your website. In addition, well-integrated image formats help in increasing the credibility of your business. The main three types of image formats are PNG, JPEG, and WebP. However, there are several formats available that you can use for your website. The list includes TIFF, GIF, EPS, RAW, and PDF.

Regarding the top-3 formats, PNG has better image quality but usually comes with a larger file size. JPEG has a bit low quality but is resizable for a perfect fit as per your preference. On the other hand, WebP is ideal if you compress and decompress images often. It doesn’t lose photo quality in the process. But the big winner is JPEG, the format which is the most popular among all.

Optimize image titles

Keyword-rich and imagination-driven image titles and details are crucial for SEO optimization. Those who use WordPress know very well what it means. Not putting a compelling image title is like buying a sandwich without the insides. It’s nothing but two slices of bread, doubled but not as tasty as the one stocked with kebab and ketchup. You can also hire professional SEO writing services to help you with suitable image titles.

Therefore, create image titles and descriptions that are catchy enough to grab the crowd’s attention. Besides, these help Google and other search engines crawl and index them for improving your SERP rankings.

Apply SEO-friendly alt tags to images

Alt tags or image alt attributes are HTML documents. In other words, these are alternative texts for files that don’t run during rendering. These alt tags also appear when your website loads. You can see them on images that are unable to load. Therefore, add alt tags using proper keywords for better optimization.

Moreover, alt tags are essential elements that help you rank on top of Google and other search engines. Apply alt-tags regularly on images play a significant role in bettering your rankings on SERP. Additionally, it helps you work on your on-page SEO more effectively.

Add images that tell a story

In contrast and compliment high-quality JPEG images, don’t forget to use pictures that tell a story. Choose pictures that are full of colors of life. These help you and your brand connect with clients with an emotional roller coaster ride. Visuals with a voice tend to get more views from visitors than those that are dull and gloomy. Plus, pictures with personality increases user engagement, which dramatically lowers the website’s bounce rate. Consequently, Google notices an increase in your website’s organic traffic, which gives you a boost to reach the SERPs top-page results.

Add Mobile-friendly images only

PEG formats are best suited if you want to use high-quality images permeated with rich colors and graphics. But don’t forget that compressing and decompressing these can considerably affect the quality of the photo(s). Therefore, you can use the WebP format for images optimization for mobile devices. Another way to improve visuals for smartphones is that you use simple images with striking colors and other expressive details.

Furthermore, mobile-first SEO is also a primary factor that plays a massive role in improving your search engine rankings. You can also enhance your web and mobile connections. Images with better optimization ensure smoother transitions for both your website and mobile app.

Use non-copyright images for SEO

Always be original and never fall for the trap of visual attractiveness. Therefore, use copyright-free images that can help you with improved Google search rankings. Best platforms for getting free non-copyright images include Pexels, Unsplash,, Pixabay, Freerange, and Flickr, to mention a few. Besides that, you can also use photography studio services. Hiring a nature photographer can instantly click arresting photos of your products and services. Originality is what matters when it comes to improving optimizing images (snaps).

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